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Image for performance: 'John Cleese's Fawlty Towers - The Play' on Stagedoor
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Image for performance: 'Wedding Band' on Stagedoor
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“It’s the Deep South in 1918, where there is segregation and interracial marriage is illegal. But Julia, a black steamstress, and Herman, a white baker, are in love and want to be together. But society and family have other ideas, and then the Spanish flu arrives in the community. Alice Childress’ rarely performed American classic counts the cost of racial injustice on ordinary people’s lives and is directed by Monique Touko, who had a hit at this address with School Girls; Or, The African Mean Girls Play.Read More →
From £13 
Image for performance: 'Closer to Heaven' on Stagedoor
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“Disco dancing and glitter balls are the order of the day in this celebration of 1990s London club culture created by Jonathan Harvey—who wrote Beautiful Thing—and the Pet Shop Boys. First seen at the Arts Theatre in 2001, it attracted outrage from some critics who dismissed it as “a disgrace” and praise from others as “the first truly gay musical.” Neil Tennant and Chris Lowe’s songs are intelligent, and the cast for this revival includes Frances Ruffelle—the original Eponine in Les Miz—and Courtney Bowman, such a blast as Elle Woods in the Regent’s Park Open Air Theatre’s sold-out staging of Legally Blonde.Read More →
From £25 
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Lyn Gardner who has been named the UK's most trusted theatre critic, and whose regular articles on the UK's theatre scene help form the opinions of theatremakers and fans up and down the country, has joined Stagedoor on October 2018. Read her latest articles exclusively on Stagedoor: regular features include Ask Lyn, her popular advice column, Lyn's Lowdown, where she clues you in on the hottest theatre news, Lyn's Picks, where she offers suggestions on what to see, and on top of this regular interviews with the most exciting theatre world talent.

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